IRI: Study Mission for Delegation from Mexico's Congress

IRI conducted a seven day study mission for five members of Mexico's Congress focused on increasing the legislators' awareness of successful transparency and anti-corruption initiatives in the United States while building their capacity to design mechanisms for implementation of anti-corruption and transparency policies in Mexico. IRI, in consultation with its partners in Mexico, chose delegates who are interested in working across party lines upon their return to tackle the issues through best practices learned through the study mission. Delegates traveled to both Washington, DC to study the issue from the national level, followed by a program in Denver, Colorado to view the issue from state and local perspectives. Program outcomes included strengthened partnerships between Mexican and U.S. political leaders, decision-makers and topical experts in order to assist Mexico’s efforts to address corruption


IRI: Study Mission for Delegation from Nigeria’s National Legislative Assembly


ACYPL and IRG: "Legislative Process + Governance" Fellows Roundtable with Former Members of Congress