IRI: Preventing Violent Extremism: Bosnia, Kenya, and Tunisia Study Mission
Conventional military responses that counter violent extremism insufficiently address the core political and social challenges that allow for the drivers of violent extremism to fester and spread. In addition to conventional responses, it is also essential to improve governance, promote inclusion, and support efforts to increase citizens’ access to opportunity in order to prevent violent extremism from ever taking root. IRI’s legislative study mission: “Preventing Violent Extremism Through Effective Legislation,” convened legislators from Bosnia, Kenya and Tunisia – all countries facing serious security challenges due to violent extremism – to build legislative capacity and generate innovative and tailored policies focused on preventing violent extremism. While in Washington, D.C., delegates had the opportunity to meet with U.S. Government officials, their counterparts in the U.S. Congress, and other prominent experts on the subject of PVE, and in Minneapolis, Minnesota, delegates learned of the role of local government, law enforcement, and community organizations. This study mission was designed not only to strengthen bilateral relationships between delegates and their peers in the U.S. Government, but also foster the exchange of best practices and ideas among the delegates themselves.